I am not sure how many of you took part in the trailer contest put on by Universal Pictures for their box-office bust Slither, but I think Warner Bros Independent is hoping their little knock-off contest will fare better.
I was sent information on this little contest on Friday, but I wanted to put together my own little piece before I posted the goods. Warner Independent Pictures has partnered with RES Magazine on a trailer remix contest that lets fans make their own A Scanner Darkly film trailers, and the winner will get a very cool prize pack as will the runner-up!
First prize takes home two tickets to the films U.S. Premiere (including roundtrip airfare, hotel, and transportation) and a Microsoft Windows 64-bit powered professional video editing workstation with Adobe Production Studio Premium featuring Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop and more. The prize pack is valued at $8,200!
Runner-up and Audience Award winners will both receive XBOX 360 video game consoles, Adobe Production Studio Standard software and an autographed A Scanner Darkly movie poster! This prize pack is valued at $1,600! Not bad eh?
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