Channing Tatum Led ‘X-Men’ Spin-Off ‘Gambit’ Officially Moving Forward

20th Century Fox has officially hired Josh Zetumer, screenwriter of the recent RoboCop remake, to write the screenplay for Gambit, an X-Men spin-off feature to star Channing Tatum as the titular mutant character. The character was previously played by Taylor Kitsch in 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine in perhaps what has become one of the most confused blockbuster timelines of all-time.

With the announcement of a screenwriter the studio has officially attached Tatum to star and produce the feature though there is still no word on whether or not Tatum will have any kind of appearance in the upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse or when exactly we should even expect the film.

Apocalypse director, Bryan Singer, however, previously told CinePremiere, “I’m considering Gambit and potentially a young Nightcrawler for Apocalypse… I was going to have Nightcrawler [in X-Men: Days of Future Past] and even wrote a scene, but I felt that we were forcing too many mutants into the story.”


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