Oscar Scripts: ‘Inception,’ ‘True Grit,’ ‘King’s Speech’ and More

Okay, so the Oscar nominees have already been announced and a lot of these scripts weren’t nominated, but today I have for you three major scripts that were nominated and three of them are the three major scripts from the year.

The screenplay for The Social Network has been online for a while, and I have linked to it in the past, but I’ll just start with that one as Aaron Sorkin’s script was just awarded by the WGA for best adapted screenplay and it also took home the 2011 USC Scripter Award. The question is, is it a lock for Oscar’s Best Adapted screenplay? Any chance Joel and Ethan Coen’s adaptation of True Grit surprises? I’ll admit, the chances are slim, but you can decide for yourself as I have the Coens’s True Grit script as well.

I also have Christopher Nolan’s Inception script for you to download. Many have Nolan’s script as the front-runner for best original screenplay, but others say David Seidler’s screenplay for The King’s Speech is likely to take the win on its way to being the big winner come February 27. Well, I have both of them for you directly below. Read ’em both and tell me which one you think is better.

Finally, I added Mike Leigh’s Oscar nominated screenplay for Another Year at the bottom of this list, which means I have eight of the ten Oscar nominated scripts for you to read. The only two not readily available are 127 Hours and The Fighter.


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