‘The Wolverine’, ‘Planes’ and ‘You’re Next’ In Today’s MPAA Ratings Bulletin

A rather typical ratings bulletin today with a smattering of titles we’ve never heard of, a couple of recognizable direct-to-video titles such as Hatchet III and Danny Trejo’s Vengeance, then a few of note such as the PG-13 for The Wolverine, a grisly R-rating for You’re Next and then a PG for Disney’s animated Cars spinoff, Planes.

The R-rating for Zachary Heinzerling‘s documentary Cutie and the Boxer (August 16) is interesting seeing how it’s for “nude art images”. At some point can’t we just admit that everyone has seen someone naked? Here’s the trailer.

The complete bulletin follows:

Apartment 1303

Rated R For language, some violent content and brief sexuality.

Battle Ground

Rated R For war violence and grisly images.

Cutie And The Boxer

Rated R For nude art images.

Danny Trejo’s Vengeance

Rated R For strong violence, language and some nudity.

Free Samples

Rated R For brief language.


Rated R For sexual content, some graphic nudity, drug use and language.

Hatchet III: Rated R Version

Rated R For pervasive strong bloody horror violence, and for language.

One Square Mile

Rated PG-13 For mature thematic material involving violence, drinking and drugs, and for smoking and some language.


Rated PG For some mild action and rude humor.

Release Date: August 9, 2013


Rated R For strong violence, language, some sexual content and graphic nudity.

The Wolverine

Rated PG-13 For sequences of intense sci-fi action and violence, some sexuality and language.

Release Date: July 26, 2013

You’re Next

Rated R For strong bloody violence, language and some sexuality/nudity.

Release Date: August 23, 2013


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