26 Books that have Been Adapted into Movies Releasing in 2013 [Part Two]

YESTERDAY we took a look at the comic books, graphic novels, plays and news articles that were being adapted into films set for release in 2013 and today we dig a little deeper and take a look at over 25 books that will make the leap from page to screen in the new year and it is a list with some titles you are surely going to want to add to your reading list over the coming months.

The list is filled with recognizable authors such as Stephen KingCormac McCarthyOrson Scott CardSuzanne CollinsTom ClancyStephenie MeyerNicholas Sparks and F. Scott Fitzgerald. After that you have J.R.R. TolkienL. Frank BaumHans Christian Andersen and even Stanislaw Lem.

Cassandra ClareKami Garcia and Margaret StohlJoseph DelaneyRick Riordan and Isaac Marion deliver some young adult flavor while Ron Rash and Jordan Belfort deliver the two titles that look as if they are the must reads of the bunch.

The films we’re talking about include directors such as Martin ScorseseSusanne BierMarc ForsterSam RaimiPeter JacksonAri FolmanKimberly PeirceBaz Luhrmann and even James Franco. The films range from animation to fantasy to drama to horror and I’ve done my best to leave no stone unturned.


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