A new trailer for Darren Aronofsky‘s Noah has arrived and it comes equipped with the disclaimer we all heard about and Aronofsky, reportedly, wasn’t happy about not being consulted regarding its inclusion.
In other recent news, The New Yorker has published a lengthy piece on the film in which Aronofsky doesn’t hold back when discussing the process of making the film, “The process sucked,” he said. “I don’t know if you can find another over-a-hundred-million-dollar movie that didn’t have reshoots. And, at this point, Paramount ninety-eight-per-cent supports everything I want in the movie. So I live and die by this version, and take full responsibility.”
All that said, the film screened last night for press that were flown by the studio to a special showing in Mexico City. One response came from Rolling Stone‘s Peter Travers, posting on Twitter saying, “Look out 4 Darren Aronofsky’s Noah.Shows how an artist can re-imagine a Bible story in epic & human terms. It’s a provocation. No preaching.” I have a hard time believing that will be the general consensus.
I have recently been told the film won’t screen in Seattle, though I would have missed it anyway since I’ll be out of town, which means I’ll catch it the week of March 31 and review it then.
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